My Food journey began about 4 months ago when a nutritionist friend of mine suggested I do a cleanse. I was having allergy problems, skin problems, headaches, and she thought I might have some sort of food allergy.. ,,
I had to eat tons of vegetables, baked, sauteed, roasted, steamed,,any way that would make them seem different each time I ate them...My family....that was another story,, my kids were going to chain themselves to the couch in total protest if I tried to get them to eat one more of my vegetable dishes...
After a food elimination diet and a blood test, it turns out,, I have a moderate gluten allergy, and a moderate allergy to gliadan."IT" is in everything.. from soy sauce, to bread and pasta..
I love to cook, so I have researched and found recipes,
The good, bad and the ugly,,,,
I made muffins, one batch were totally yummy in flavor, but seemed almost like I added a sccop of sand to the recipe, the other batch was more like bread pudding than a muffin....the other, well lets just say, my dogs are getting some yummy treats these days....(maybe ill go into the dog treat business)
ok, well, Ill try again Pizza,, Yep.,, homeade crust..and to my families enjoyment,, it was GOOD!!! Actually really good!!!
Great tasting gluten free pizza ....
..What has come out of this,,,my entire house hold is changing the way they eat..slowly but surely they are getting use to it.. I now buy different things like, almond flour, coconut flour and xanthum gum, to make my own muffins, pancakes and breads,,, I still buy wheat bread for the hubby and kids,,I can't make them give it up,, but the result has been a family that is eating more naturally, using fresh ingredients,, in the long run, I'm teaching them to eat what is truely best for them, and when I get it down to a science, all of it will taste great too, even my muffins...
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